22335-PISD Admin Remediation
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 11/28/23 2:00pm |
Company & Contacts
Competitive Sealed Proposals are requested from interested General Contractors for the construction of ADMINISTRATION BUILDING REMEDIATION WORK, for the PRINCETON ISD, Princeton, Texas. Proposals will be received by the Owners at the time listed above. Sealed proposals will be opened in public by the Owner and read aloud.
The Owner may consider informal any Proposal not prepared and submitted in accordance with these provisions. Any Proposal may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for the opening of Proposals. Any proposal received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No Proposer shall withdraw a Proposal within sixty (60) days after the date of the opening thereof.
Written proposals shall be submitted on forms furnished by the Owner.
Proposals may be mailed or delivered to the Owner at the address listed above.
By execution and submission of this Proposal, the Proposer attests and affirms that he and his subcontractors are skilled and experienced in the use and interpretation of plans, specifications, addenda and related documents and that he has carefully reviewed the plans, specifications, and related documents for this project and has found them to be free of conflicts and/or ambiguities and sufficient for the purpose of submitting a Proposal, and for construction. Further, he has carefully examined the soils reports and the site of the work, and through his own personal observations, has satisfied himself as to the nature; location and requirements of the work; the character; quality and quantity of materials required; the difficulties likely to be encountered; the other items and /or conditions which may affect the satisfactory performance of the work. He has based his Proposal solely on these documents and personal observations and has not relied in any way or on any explanation or interpretation, oral or written, from any source other than those written and issue by the Architect/Engineer.
By submitting this Proposal, the proposer agrees to waive any claim it has or may have against the Owner, the Architect/Engineer and their respective employees, agents or representatives arising out of, or in connection with, the administration, evaluation, recommendation, or selection of any proposal: waiver of any requirements under the proposal documents, or the contract documents; acceptance or rejection of any proposal; and award of the contract.
Proposer agrees that the Owner has the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals and to waive all informalities.
In general, the project consists of an ADMINISTRATION BUILDING REMEDIATION WORK of approximately 330 Linear Feet of Exterior Wall Remediation Building construction consists of but is not limited to: demolition, steel studs and sheathing and fluid applied air barrier, carpet tiles, rubber base, paint, sealant, masonry, aluminum windows, and electrical